coupled electron

英 [ˈkʌpld ɪˈlektrɒn] 美 [ˈkʌpld ɪˈlektrɑːn]

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  1. The composition of the impurities in the solutions and crystals is measured by the inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry ( ICP-AES) and electron probe microanalysis ( EPMA).
  2. Determination of Halogenated Hydrocarbons in Adhesives by Gas Chromatography Coupled with Electron Capture Detector DETERMINATION OF SYNTHETIC PYRETHROID INSECTICIDES IN BIOLOGICAL MATERIALS BY GC/ ECD
  3. Cloud Point Extraction Coupled with Ultrasonic-assisted Back-extraction for Determination of Pyrethroid Pesticides in Tea by Gas Chromatography with Electron Capture Detection
  4. Study of Fundamental Parameters of Inductively Coupled Plasma for Slurry Nebulization& Electron Density Determination
  5. Fluid Simulation for Charged Particle Transport in Capacitively Coupled Dual Radio-frequency Discharges; This paper has investigated the propagation of relativistic electron beams ( REB) in magnetized plasmas.
  6. Effects of Coupled Thermal and Chemical Nonequilibrium on the Electron Number Density Distribution and Wall Heat Transfer
  7. The stopping powers and energy stragglings for implanted ions in strongly coupled degenerate electron gas were investigated using local-field correction dielectric function.
  8. The product was analyzed and characterized by X-ray diffraction ( XRD), X-ray fluorescence spectrum ( XRF), inductive coupled plasma emission spectrum ( ICP), scanning electron microscope ( SEM) and transmission electron microscope ( TEM).
  9. MCNP is a general-purpose Monte Carlo N-particle code that can be used for neutron, photon, electron, or coupled neutron/ photon/ electron transport.
  10. Numerical calculations of stopping powers and energy stragglings for ions in a strongly coupled degenerate electron gas
  11. Coupled with fluid equations for the electron and ion motion, the microwave discharge courses are calculated.
  12. The Liquid Membrane Coupled Transport of Electron-Cation Symport with Calixarene Derivatives and [ Ni ( dmit)_2] Complex as Cooperating Carriers
  13. The properties of a quantum dot coupled with two magnetic electrodes, such as the Kondo resonance, spin-splitting of single electron levels, magnetization, and linear conductance, are discussed.
  14. An ion induced coupled bunch instability observed in the Beijing Electron Positron Collider ( BEPC) is analyzed in the paper, with the given side band of the instability.
  15. After hybridization, the biotinylated hybrids were detected with avidin coupled to 10 nm gold particles and then examined under the electron microscopy.
  16. From the atmospheric fluid equations and two-fluid equations of ionospheric plasmas coupled with each other, the coupling dispersion relation of atmospheric gravity waves and electron density perturbations in equatorial F region is derived and the resonant interaction between these two modes in different mediums is analyzed theoretically.
  17. Active Loads Based on Capacitively Coupled Single Electron Transistor
  18. Liquid-phase microextraction ( LPME) followed by gas chromatography ( GC) coupled with an electron capture detector ( ECD) was applied for the analysis of pentachlorophenol ( PCP) in aqueous samples.
  19. Numerical Simulation of Capacitance Coupled Three-junction Single Electron Transistor Made of High-Tc Superconductor
  20. Analysis of Capacitance Coupled Three Junction Single Electron Transistor Characteristics
  21. Improving quality of a hole coupled resonator for free electron laser with a grating
  22. With MCNP-4C/ PC& a general-purpose coupled neutron/ photon/ electron Monte Carlo transport code and at least 107 particles sampled in each calculating point, several tool's outputs in each standard well are calculated.
  23. Electron flow via the cyt pathway is coupled to ATP production, whereas electron transfer through the alternative pathway branches from the cyt pathway at the ubiquinone pool and reduces oxygen to water without conservation of energy in the form of ATP, which is lost as heat.
  24. The plasma filled in the Coupled plasma-cavity traveling wave tube is produced by the collision of the electron beam with filled-gas.
  25. Ore samples were studied and identified using microscope coupled with electron microprobe analysis. The minerals have been named, the structural features described, and the various features explained by mineralogical means. 2.
  26. In order to study the atomization and excitation mechanism of the inductively coupled plasma source, the excitation temperature and electron density of the sources were determined in the different conditions of the putout energy.
  27. SPPs, which are supported by metal-dielectric interfaces, are electromagnetic waves in the free space coupled to electron plasma oscillations in the metal surfaces.
  28. Dissimilatory Iron Reduction ( DIR), a kind of metabolism of microorganism, and Fe ( III) as the terminal electron acceptor was reduced to Fe ( II) in this process, coupled with the oxidation of organo/ abio electron donors.
  29. These modes, in which optical fields are coupled to electron oscillations, are usually called surface plasmons ( SPs).